Monday 6 December 2010

Module briefing - Design process & what is research?

Design process is:

Research and investigation
Defining your own problems
Not about one fantastic outcome

Reading list:

What is graphic design for? Robinson
Fundamentals of graphic design AVA publishing
Visual research AVA publishing
Data flow

Useful advise - The world outside the studio!

What is research?
  • Process is more important than outcome
  • Stimulated - Consciously or sub-consciously search for inspiration
  • Systematic - Controlled eg maps, organising, structuring
  • Gathering data from external sources
  • Collecting Information
  • Talking to people and analysing what people say
  • Asking the question 'What if....?'
Types of research

Primary - Information that does not exist yet eg questionnaires, photographs, personal usually generated to help solve a specific problem

Secondary - Information already exists gathered for some other purpose

Quantitative - This consists of facts, figures and measurements which can then be analysed. Measurable data can be gathered from a variety of sources but it is the interpretation, manipulation and relationships of this data which is important. It is objective and relies on surveys, questionnaires, statistics etc.
Qualitative -Focuses on peoples beliefs, opinions, interactions and experiences to gather information. This can be derived from interviews, focus groups, documentary analysis etc. Qualitative research is not statistical but gives a real-life account on a particular study or event.
The research we had done for the what if project can be categorised as follows/;
We are weak in this area other than Charlotte had done a questionnaire asking people how they felt about Leeds having more CCTV camera than New York

We counted the number of CCTV cameras on Briggate

  • we have gathered news reports and opinions on CCTV.  Celebrity opinion such as Banksy
QuantitativeThe average cost for the installation of a single CCTV camera system costs in the region of £22,500 (Capital) and on average continuous annual revenue costs are £4,500 per year
  • The cost of running the CCTV service is around 1.5 million annually

Sunday 5 December 2010

You tube CCTV protests/ Leeds live

Who is watching the watchers?

Thought provoking footage of a camerman being asked not to film in Victoria station even though CCTV cameras are all over the station....


What if ...fonts

Transport is the main lettering used on British road signs, designed specifically for this purpose by Jock Kinneir and Margaret Calvert. Transport Medium is the lighter variant, which is composed of narrower strokes and used for light text on a dark background.

This is the heavier version of Transport, intended for use with dark text on a lighter background.

Also thought about different imagery which signified looking up such as binoculars. eyes,