Tuesday 30 November 2010

CCTV images/symbols

And if you don’t believe it really is him, he was filmed making the cover of this magazine, so you can see Banksy at work on the internet: a first. CCTV cameras are one of his obsessions at the moment; they are, he says, one of the worst things about modern Britain.
“The amount of security cameras gets on my nerves. Obviously from a professional point of view, but also on a more philosophical level. I don’t understand why Britain has embraced cameras more than anywhere else — is it because we’re desperate to feel we still matter and we quite enjoy the idea someone is always watching us? I hate it when they say, ‘If you’ve done nothing wrong then you’ve got nothing to hide.’ Everyone’s got something to hide, otherwise there’s something really wrong with them.”

1 comment:

  1. In my opinion, putting up CCTV cameras around an area doesn't necessarily mean the authorities are paranoid or are snooping around. Having CCTVS installed would help calm other people down knowing that they are being watched by the proper authorities, and these installations would also discourage petty criminals from doing their deeds.

    Max Nilsen
