Monday 14 March 2011

Communication is a virus - further group idea development

We thrashed a few more ideas around including the Birthday card one.  The group felt although this was a strong concept they still were not sure if the receiver would actually try the suggestions.  Also we had a chat with Amber and she was keen to explore an idea which we could try 'live' rather than just conceptually.

This is a summary of further ideas we had. 

  • Dom and Matt were both keen on the cardboard USB idea and we returned to this concept when Matt showed us the Seed poster.   The seeds were perfect as people are engage and also reasonably cheap to execute.  Sarah and I were not convinced with the USB idea as what were we actually going to put on the stick?  Matt thought we could put some Jpegs on which gave people links to website.  Also the this could only be considered as a concept due to the cost and also new technology.

  • We extended this idea thinking about how we could 'track' whether people would actually try something new.  The GPS chip technology could be a solution here,  Maybe the message/usb could have a chip attached which identifies how far the message has spread?  Again we dismissed this as too conceptual for this 'live' brief.

  • We then considered simpler methods of distributing messages such as helium balloons with messages attached.  Sarah mentioned about the Books which are passed on which you write when you read the book then leave somewhere for someone to pick up. This made us wonder whether we could actually leave different kinds of messages around Leeds for example even including a SAE with the suggestion to encourage people to let us know what they had done new.

  • About this point in the discussion it occurred to me that Niall and Baljeets group had set a time and date for their conga.  I thought this was a good way to 'focus' people's attention.  We all seemed to like this idea.  We thought we could promote round Leeds to a few days before.

We agreed to each come up with a Logo for this campaign and five 'try something new' ideas by tomorrow.

I like the idea that Spring is just around the corner so I'm going to look at spring flowers as my idea.

 'Put a spring in your step, try something new to you on ....'

Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!"  ~Robin Williams

Spring is just around the corner

Also found these which fit with an earlier idea of scaring somebody into making a change:

Also the simile of life to juggling five balls from the James Patterson book Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas:

Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them - Work - Family - Health - Friends - Spirit, and you're keeping all of these in the air.

You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other four balls -- family, health, friends and spirit are made of glass. If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered.

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