Sunday 13 March 2011

Viral campaign/social networking research for Communication is a virus

The Nike + campaign was introduced back in 2006 as detailed in this newspaper article.  The website is a virtual gathering place for runners who have collectively collected 93 million running miles. 
Going onto the Nike plus website I also discovered something called a GPSapp which can track who you are and where you are. The Nike campaign is called Dont be it.  This technology could be used with our idea.  To see this technology click this link.  This website is really clever as they are not only gathering people, they are challenging them which really can hook people who are competitive.

By researching GPS apps I also found one called Motionx which allows you to share routes with other users for example one Biker uses this to share new Biker tracks with his friends.  It can also capture photos.

Thinking of how we can motivate people to actually try something new, I started to consider our target audience.  The product could be to set challenges to groups of twenty somethings before they hit thirty , thirty somethings before they hit forty etc.  We could target it even more and offer it out as a  30th, 40th, 50th and 60th presents. The challenges to try something new could be to chose say ten new suggestions before you hit 31, 41, 51  and 61.  If the product was an App the common denominator of turning 30, 40, 50 and 60 would link each group together.  The challenge could be who achieves the top ten first when they sign up.  Each time they achieve a suggestion they could blog/record/video or photograph the evidence and share with the group.     Within each group of thirty year olds their could be sub group of friends joining who could compete with each other.  Although the App could start the Suggestion process off friends could actually share challenges and lay them down for each over.

Another method of distribution could be to design a 30th birthday card which lays down the challenge and directs them to a website, blog or app.  The card could be customisable like (but much better Graphics!) so the Friend actually chooses the 'challenge' or new things from a drop down list.    A link showing an existing Birthday card app.   Another which is simply a cup cake and  candle to blow out iKandl .

This website goes one step further as it sells animated/musical Greeting cards which link to Youtube videos (Graphics can be a bit rubbish but nice concept)

Another new iPhone app. 'Where' is an app. which allows people to share places they have visited.

Customer Reviews

Best location based app!

This application is great for finding places around you and now suggests new places to go, Very handy for a night out on the town. New Bump feature is cool.

I love the WHERE app! Whether I'm traveling or just looking for someplace new to try locally, WHERE always comes through with great suggestions. The bump feature is so cool and I love checking out my friends lists of favorite places and seeing all the places they want to go...its helped me discover so many new places that I want to check out! With this great app Ill never have a hard time finding cool things to do again! WHERE just keeps getting better and better!
my solution to decide where to eat...

and take my wife out to different restaurants because she complains when i just wanna go to applebees. take it or leave it but i just launch the app and go to the next best recommendation. it has been working out and I'm scoring some gentlemanship points hehe #winning

Another interesting App called Nudgeme  allows you to track/shadow your friends:

Ideas for strap line/product names:

Kick start your heart

New to you

Before its too late

Life begins..

You make the rules...

The 30/40/50/60 club

Challenge 30/40/50/60

Is life passing you by?

100 percent Life at 30,40 etc

Give your friend a new lease of life....

Make it a year to remember

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